
Clockwork objects, enhanced learning: Automata Toys Construction in primary education for Learning to Learn promotion, creativity fostering & Key Competences acquisition, with the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible

for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 

with the

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1st Piloting - Alivola - Step 0 - Teacher's feedback



Step Texts of teachers
0 1° Teachers feedback

Teacher's feedback 1: Laura Lapalorcia

  1. To what extent were your learning needs met by the Clohe workshop? R: In a very comprehensive way


  1. Comments on your first thought about the Automata in a classroom and the final result after the workshop. R: I was already thinking "Automata in the classroom" was very useful ... now I confirm


  1. What are your reflective thoughts on the Clohe activities as a whole? R: Stimulate both logic and the emotional creative sphere


  1. Do you think this activity can contribute to the improvement of, at least, one of these competencies? Please tick where appropriate, (you can tick more than one)

    Key competence area

    Communication in the mother tongue

    Communication in foreign languages

    Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology 

    Digital competence 

    Learning to learn 

    Social and civic competences  

    Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

    Cultural awareness and expression




















Please explain why.

R: * these skills, because working together presupposes respect for others, acceptance of ideas and ways of being different, sharing, comparison and stimulus to "compete" in a healthy way **these skills stem from observation, reflection, experimentation linked to mechanisms to know and / or discover.


  1. Please comment on the usability of the resources support. R: Good


  1. When you return to your workplace, how will you integrate your new learning into your daily class routine? R: (apart from the routine, with the boys almost there!), I will try to use (even more than I already do) improvised materials to explain to children the concepts of mathematics (geometry in particular) and science


  1. What elements from the Clohe activities would you adapt/remove/add? R: I'd rather get to know / testing, before working in this direction


  1. Do you foresee any problems in delivering the activities? If yes, how can you overcome them? R: No.


  1. Please make any other comments or suggestions about the Clohe Project.

  2. Signed: Laura Lapalorcia 08/XI/2012

Teacher's feedback 2: Stefania Cesare

  1. To what extent were your learning needs met by the Clohe workshop? R: Very much


  1. Comments on your first thought about the Automata in a classroom and the final result after the workshop. R: I knew that I would have liked and so it was


  1. What are your reflective thoughts on the Clohe activities as a whole? R: These activities are fun, stimulating, useful


  1. Do you think this activity can contribute to the improvement of, at least, one of these competencies? Please tick where appropriate, (you can tick more than one)

    Key competence area

    Communication in the mother tongue

    Communication in foreign languages

    Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology 

    Digital competence 

    Learning to learn 

    Social and civic competences  

    Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

    Cultural awareness and expression




















Please explain why.

R: Is an activity that develops logical thinking, the ability to design and testing. So it is good!


  1. Please comment on the usability of the resources support. R: Materials available are versatile, easy to use and useful to stimulate the imagination


  1. When you return to your workplace, how will you integrate your new learning into your daily class routine? R: I still think there


  1. What elements from the Clohe activities would you adapt/remove/add? R: I'd like to add materials like: fabric, sticks, pumice stones ...


  1. Do you foresee any problems in delivering the activities? If yes, how can you overcome them? R: No, I found it all very clear


  1. Please make any other comments or suggestions about the Clohe Project.

  2. Signed: Stefania Cesare 8-11-2012